AMR remains ISO-certified:
Market Research by international standards and data security guidelines

ISO Logos 9001:2015 and 20252:2019
Düsseldorf, 20.12.2023

AMR Advanced Market Research successfully renewed its ISO certificates 9001:2015 and 20252:2019. Both certificates confirm that AMR’s quality management and data processing techniques comply with the established norms of the ISO – International Organization for Standardization. This ensures that we conduct your studies using internationally recognised methods, in accordance with strict data security guidelines and that our processes are standardised to deliver reliable quality.

But what exactly is ISO and how do these certificates, which recognise us as an ISO institute, improve our global research projects?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO Logo

The International Organization for Standardization is an independent non-govermental organisation which develops international norms. Founded by 25 countries in 1947 in Genf, Suisse, there are currently 169 countries members of ISO, who have published more than 24,500 international standards. The short name ISO derives from the greek word ›isos‹ for ›equal‹. Together with the IEC and the ITU the ISO represents the World Standards Cooperation.

169 countries are members of ISO

World Map showing ISO-Memberships

Member of ISO

Correspondent member

Source: ISO

ISO 9001:2015 – General Quality Management

ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management systems and defines the requirements for such systems. An organisation must meet these requirements in order to be able to provide products and services that fulfil customer expectations as well as legal and regulatory requirements relevant to the product or service. At the same time, the management system should be subject to a continuous improvement process.

ISO 20252:2019 – Market, Opinion and Social Research 

Developed by an ISO Technical Committee in cooperation with professional bodies EFAMRO, ESOMAR and WAPOR, the standard ISO 20252 sets out requirements in a quality management system for organisations conducting market, opinion and social research.

In particular ISO 20252:2019 certifies:

  • Ensure timely delivery of quality services
  • Improve operational management and control of research processes
  • Reduce errors and rework

»International Standard ISO 20252:2019 (…) sets out guidance and requirements relating to the way in which market research studies are planned, carried out, supervised, and reported to clients commissioning such projects. It will encourage consistency and transparency in the way surveys are carried out, and confidence in their results and in their providers.«

AMR’s certificates were renewed by DEKRA, Germany

While ISO establishes the standards, the responsibility of examining, auditing, and issuing the certificates lies with local institutes. In our case, these vital certifications were issued by DEKRA, a globally recognized leader in the TIC (Testing, Inspection, Certification) sector, based in Germany. DEKRA, established in 1925 in Berlin, stands as the world’s largest non-listed expert organization in the TIC-sector.

The journey to our certificate renewal was rigorous and thorough. The audit conducted by DEKRA involved an in-depth examination of our processes, particularly focusing on our data processing and data security protocols. This wasn’t merely a review of our compliance with ISO standards, but a comprehensive assessment of our operational efficiency, error management systems, and the overall effectiveness of our quality management system.

AMR: The ISO-certified market research institute

Our successful renewal is not just a testament to our adherence to the ISO standards. It represents our enduring commitment to high-quality research and our relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of our operations. By consistently aligning our processes with these stringent international standards, we ensure the delivery of the most reliable and insightful research findings. This accomplishment reinforces our position as a trusted and credible institute in the field, enhancing our reputation for conducting studies that are not only comprehensive but also highly respected for their integrity and accuracy.